Mission Statement
The mission of the Paramount Historical Society is to discover, collect, promote, interpret, and disseminate knowledge of the City of Paramount's history as well as preserve artifacts that are of interest to the City's residents and the historical legacy of the City. The Paramount Historical Society encourages the exploration of the City's history through programs, publications, and collections in a manner that is accessible to everyone in ways that advance knowledge and inspire curiosity about the people and events that have shaped and continue to shape Paramount.
The General Purposes Of The
Paramount Historical Society Are:
- To discover, collect, restore, preserve and exhibit objects, materials, publications, and stories helpful in establishing, illustrating, teaching, and promoting interest in the history of the City of Paramount and the development, growth, progress, and activities of the City's population.
- To promote interest and instruction in the history of the City of Paramount by publication of historical materials and assisting and cooperating with governmental and other agencies, entities, and institutions on projects and programs that will further the purposes and objectives of the Society.
- To advocate for the preservation of the City of Paramount's historic landscapes and buildings.